....not if this guy has anything to say. Some of you may remember that a while back I posted on how my landlord had planted a patch of strawberries in the backyard. This morning before I left for work this was the sight I saw. This guy jumped the chain link fence to get to the plants. There are no berries as it was too late when they went in, but damn he pulled root and all out. Lucky for him you can't shoot a firearm or he'd be dinner one night.
Thanks for all the nice comments on my last entry. I haven't been spammed again.. not yet anyway. GRRR I wish folks would just grow up.... auto poster or not someone set it up and it's so immature. What purpose does it serve? Really. If any of my readers were or are into porn I'm sure they already have their favorite free sites. LMAO!! Terri your tantum had me in stitches. You are such a good friend :) Thank you!
Today I had a bunch of emails that were unsubscribing from my blog. Everyone was an AOL email address. It says ISP requested and it appears some were folks that I haven't seen on line in ages so maybe their mailboxes are full. Not sure. If you're still interested in getting alerts and haven't you may want to subscribe again. AOL at it's finest. GRRRRR
Picked my girlfriend up at the airport last night. She is in town for 2 weeks from Tampa. She'll be staying at my house next week. Should be fun. For now I need to get sleep. It was after 2:30am when I got home from dropping her off and my old bod is tired.
Be good all........... and thank you!