... so it's been awhile... but I thought I would enter this challenge.... Make sure you check out the entries... and hell join in yourself...
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
~ Dog Days of Summer ~
... so it hasn't been a year... but it's been awhile.... facebook
has become my staple folks.. it's fast and easy. It's getting into the
dog days of summer... well hell it's almost over. My son's dog
Guinness was nice enough to pose for me. He has been entered into a
photo contest.. LOL couldn't resist. He's a good boy :) We are all
doing well and I hope the same can be said for you. It's that time
again.. the time way back when.. the small family of JLand... that grew each year. The ups and downs... the twists and turns.. the friendships that were made. Ohhh the stories... I
miss it ... miss the tags once in awhile but it was time to move on. I
am so glad so many of us have stayed together.. it's been a ride I will
always be grateful for.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
~ Merry Christmas - from the 'schmuck' ~
Sooooo I have so much grovelling to do. I'm such a schmuck! I never got Christmas cards out. I had every intention... but the best made plans, ya know? Between a short hospital stay and then being buried under almost 4 feet of snow... time got away from me. No excuses I'm still a schmuck, no excuses... I'm sorry. This is the picture I was going to use for the card, but again never got it printed...blah blah.. more excuses.

I do wish you all the happiest of holidays. May your Christmas be very Merry :) Hopefully we can all go into the New Year with all the best life has to give us.

I know I'm more then ready.... the past few years have been a trip to say the least. I've made it as far as 7 months in between...... something... whatever it may be. My last stint was right before Thanksgiving. I had.. well they don't know what... they poked, prodded, tested, drew blood, tested more, more blood. You know the drill.. anyway they ruled out everything.. and then went back to a viral bladder infection. So it's all good... just one more stab into my voodoo doll. Ummmm... and if you know who has that doll can you tell them to stop.... beat 'em up for me.... something?

Not even sure if I mentioned Stephan bought a house. He actually moved in while I was in Dallas. He's done a ton of work on it.... has a ton more to do, but it's his. When I saw the yard all fenced in with a gate at the driveway I told him. 'within 30 days of closing you will have a puppy'.. his response... 'no no.. too much to do' Soooooooooooooo it wasn't 30 days.. it was 45... LOL But I'm a grandma.. hehehehe.. Pure German Sheperd.. his name is Guinness. He's adorable.. and very shy right now... but I.. ummmm.. of course.. made him pose :)

So anyway... thanks for reading my babble... I am so sorry I'm sending you your holiday wish via a blog entry... so uncool... but the best I can do this year. Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!

I do wish you all the happiest of holidays. May your Christmas be very Merry :) Hopefully we can all go into the New Year with all the best life has to give us.

I know I'm more then ready.... the past few years have been a trip to say the least. I've made it as far as 7 months in between...... something... whatever it may be. My last stint was right before Thanksgiving. I had.. well they don't know what... they poked, prodded, tested, drew blood, tested more, more blood. You know the drill.. anyway they ruled out everything.. and then went back to a viral bladder infection. So it's all good... just one more stab into my voodoo doll. Ummmm... and if you know who has that doll can you tell them to stop.... beat 'em up for me.... something?

Not even sure if I mentioned Stephan bought a house. He actually moved in while I was in Dallas. He's done a ton of work on it.... has a ton more to do, but it's his. When I saw the yard all fenced in with a gate at the driveway I told him. 'within 30 days of closing you will have a puppy'.. his response... 'no no.. too much to do' Soooooooooooooo it wasn't 30 days.. it was 45... LOL But I'm a grandma.. hehehehe.. Pure German Sheperd.. his name is Guinness. He's adorable.. and very shy right now... but I.. ummmm.. of course.. made him pose :)

So anyway... thanks for reading my babble... I am so sorry I'm sending you your holiday wish via a blog entry... so uncool... but the best I can do this year. Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!
Monday, November 8, 2010
~ Dallas ~

Sooo a long time ago, before JLand days I was on the hockey message boards on AOL. Hmmm actually it was when AOL blew them up that I moved over to JLand... lots of you made me stay. :) Hmmm 'til they blew them up too and we ended up here. Landed here? What is it we do here?
Sooo here I am doing an entry on Dallas. Long ago I lived in Arlington some of you knew that. My son was born in Ft. Worth.... here nor there... I naturally gravitated towards the Dallas Stars board.. met some folks. Great folks. Met some assholes too. Just like every where.
Needless to say this was even before the 'No Goal'... another entry if you aren't up to speed. Of course since Buffalo played Dallas it became that much more fun. Shortly after the Cup was given to Dallas.. I think the next season I went for visit... staying at my girlfriend Billie's... we did a hockey game and well that's another story but I met Mike....Robert's brother.... Robert visited the boards... well Facebook brought us back together. Facebook introduced me to the families. Let me tell you that family is a hoot! Kinda reminds me of mine, but bigger. Lots BIGGER. But you know what they say...'everythings BIGGER in TX'
So back I go for a visit. Welcomed with open arms. Felt like I was part of the family and no one missed a beat. It was awesome. I've not smiled, laughed, cried like that in a long time.

In flight some place between Buffalo and Chicago on my way out. It was early morning. Obviously very cloudy. It was as windy as all get out! Got a little nervous but all was great. Lonng flight but good. Between Chicago and Kansas City the flight was full. Very full! Needless to say I got the chance to sit next to a really big guy. A big, rude guy. He sat with his elbow jabbing my rib. If I moved he just stretched out more. Ummm and he didn't smell great either. It wasn't fun... but he bugged the lady in front of him and she complained. Ahhhh problem solved... well 'cept for the stench!

No brainer... the BIG D on my way in....

Loved the way the clouds looked while I was in them. Took me to a far away place.
Friday was dinner. Had an absolute blast. Ate like a pig! Mike and his daughter Brandy met Billie, her grand daughter, and I. It was great to see them.. that was the first time I'd met Brandy... other then FB. What a gem!! Ahhh but her Daddy ain't so bad so there was no doubt!

Saturday morning it was a Birthday party for Robert's grandson. He had turned 3 about a week earlier. It was a blast!!!!
The Birthday Boy himself!! That's him sitting on Billie's lap. First time he met us, and he was right at home.

Ahhh some of the clan. Let me tell you, I loved being with them. So much love...

Ohhh Dylan... this baby is precious. I kinda 'saw' him enter the world on FB. Couldn't wait to hold him... and boy did I. I wanted to take him home with me.

Hmmm love this shot... a few generations... Robert, his son, and the grand son's. Precious!

Saturday night... the hockey game. Dallas Stars vs Buffalo Sabres... I loved it... but the boys didn't show up. Miller didn't play in goal and only learned after I got home he was hurt. Still hurt... and a few rumors flying... time will tell.
Meeting of the mindless..... boys lost 4-0

What a crew, eh? I love these people. Words would never do it justice so I will leave it at that.

And I lost a bet. Brandy bet me and I lost... had to wear a Stars jersey out of the joint... she caught me walking out the tunnel ... her Dad behind me. Loved the expression on my face... and then to learn Mike was behind me... ::giggle::
Trip was fabulous... and I can't wait to get back there. Thought maybe sooner then later... ::sigh::

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
~ Tag Request - Cemetery Rain ~
Limit 1
Ummm yeap.. so much cute art out there I can't help myself. LMAO
Don't forget... leave name and email address
Saturday, October 16, 2010
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