Sunday, September 4, 2011

~Community Photo Challenge- Reflections ~

... so it's been awhile... but I thought I would enter this challenge....   Make sure you check out the entries...  and hell join in yourself...

  • Photobucket

Saturday, August 20, 2011

~ Dog Days of Summer ~

... so it hasn't been a year...  but it's been awhile.... facebook has become my staple folks.. it's fast and easy.  It's getting into the dog days of summer...  well hell it's almost over.  My son's dog Guinness was nice enough to pose for me.  He has been entered into a photo contest.. LOL  couldn't resist.  He's a good boy :)  We are all doing well and I hope the same can be said for you.   It's that time again.. the time way back when.. the small family of JLand... that grew each year.  The ups and downs... the twists and turns.. the friendships that were made.  Ohhh the stories...  I miss it ... miss the tags once in awhile but it was time to move on.  I am so glad so many of us have stayed together.. it's been a ride I will always be grateful for. 

